Craftsman Mind-set & Career Capital

‘Follow your passions’ can sound like inspiring career advice at first but can quickly turn sour when faced with the reality of frustrations at work. Instead, Newport’s book So Good They Can’t Ignore You wisely nudges professionals towards thinking in terms of building their career capital and cultivating a craftsman mind-set for long-term career fulfillment. A craftsman mind-set understands the importance of quality in any field of work, and hence seeks to gain mastery through hard (and smart) work. Career Capital is the personal reservoir of rare, valuable and highly-marketable skills, which are gained through a craftsman mind-set. There is a great amount of satisfaction and enjoyment that comes from being really good at what you do. Sweat and toil can lead to gaining new career passions.

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Goals are the means not the end

Good advice from Simon Sinek on putting goals in their right perspective:

  • Goals are meant to create healthy patterns, behaviors, and habits
  • Don’t fixate on the goals themselves
  • Not reaching a goal is not necessarily a bad thing
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70/20/10 learning

According to the 70/20/10 learning model when it comes to picking up new skills, the most effective form of learning is the actual doing:

  • 70 percent - Hands-on practice
  • 20 percent - Feedback and coaching
  • 10 percent - Training
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Extreme Ownership

Summary bullets from Extreme Ownership:

  • Take responsibility for your (and your team’s) failures, not just the successes
  • Know the importance of your team’s mission and purpose
  • Make friends with the people within your organization rather than seeing them as competition
  • Prioritizing well will help navigate dire pressure
  • Know and create mitigation plans for anticipated risks
  • Good leadership communicates valuable information both up and down the chain
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Some takeaways on Ultralearning:

  • Move from theory to practice as soon as possible, and then go on reinforcing the practice with more theory
  • Become a meta-learner and strategize by building a meta-learning map on how to learn a new subject (concepts, facts, procedures)
  • Recall what you’ve learned
  • Avoid distractions at all cost
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80-20 Rule

The Pareto Principle (80-20 rule) states that 20% of your activities account for 80% of your results. The implication is that prioritizing your daily, weekly and monthly tasks can make a significant difference in what you accomplish. Being busy does not necessarily generate value in itself, but working on high-value tasks do.

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